Attractions for everyone!

With 2,000 m2 of play space to wake up, discover, experiment and more than 16 different activities along the way.

Paleontological excavations

Let’s go on the trail of dinosaurs

2000 m2 of play area for children to touch, test by themselves, marvel, try and try again

Compressed air blowers

Discover the power of air!

The construction site

Build ever bigger, higher, more beautiful

Manual artistic and creative activities

Art... Creativity... Imagination...

Awaken, dig, bounce from one subject to another, explore…

satisfy their curiosity, fly over, dream, create, debate, philosophize…

The supermarket & kitchen

Go shopping and get some strength

The flight simulator

Take the controls and fly!

The Bike Lamp and the Hydrodynamic Pool

Measure your strength

in a word learning by fun and having fun by learning…

The Milky Way trampoline

Defy the laws of gravity!

critical thinking, communication, time management

Le parcours aventure

Push your limits!

Sports Minis & Maxi Efforts

Cultivate your body and gain confidence!

The music booth

How about we all make music together!

Bubble machines

Blow your best soap bubbles!

The Steamlab approach

Initie-toi à la pédagogie Steam Lab !

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